108 Sūryanamaskāra with live harmonium playing the mantras ( Dan 、Phillip、Karina and friends )
It’s a very powerful practice in order to bring benefits not only to the physical and mental level but it’s actually more important in the sense that is like a tuning our bodies our systems ,our mind our consciousness into their universal cosmic consciousness.
Sūrya the Sun is actually the energy that is keeping us alive if we don’t have a sun in this solar system what would happen? The planet errors cannot be alive.
So as we do the practice,we are like honoring ,we are acknowledging that energy that is keeping us alive.So keep that in mind again and again when you practice.
Sometimes we use the term worship the sun but it’s so misunderstood this word in English so I prefer to not use this word but this is the word in the Surya Upanishad.
the idea is that we are synchronizing ourselves to the solar system.We are not separate,We are part of this solar system. the energy of the sun is keeping all of us alive,and all the plants and their whole life in this planet.
So if we all share the same energy,what’s the difference, Why normally we feel separated or lonely? it’s just because we are misunderstanding ,we have some kind of ignorance that is not allowing us to see that we are all connected that we are all one.I would say just open up yourself to feel what is happening in your body and in your mind as you go through the practice.Don’t force if you feel you need to stop because you’re running out of breath for example you just stop.
You can stand up,you can sit or you can lie down as you prefer and when you rest, you are still doing the practice. Mentally you keep visualizing the practice.The visualized practice is as powerful as the physical one.
So why we have twelve poses in the traditional Sūryanamaskāra? Twelve poses they represent the twelve faces of the sun through the year. Each one of them that’s why we have like 12 months as we go through each one of them that is when we are synchronizing our bodies to the energy of the sun.As we do the 12 poses representing the 12 faces of the sun.I would invite you to really be fully aware of how your body is filling.You might need to do some adjustments according to your own body.
Every pose will be connected to one mantra, if you don’t know each one of the mantras you don’t worry at all. Just open up yourself to receive the energy of the mantra.
Every mantra has like the the sound structure the sunscreet sounds,they have like some energy Śakti encased in the sound structure.So as we focus and receive the vibration of the sound we are receiving the energy of sudia. Just for you to know the twelve mantras are actually twelve different names of the sun.
For example Om Mitraya Namah 1.Mitraya is a name of the sun, Mitra means the friend the universal friend of all beings,so we give salutations to the universal friend, of all beings that’s the first mantra.so that part Namaha it means the salutation.
Om Ravaye Namah that’s the second post. 2.Ravaye is like the one who is giving blessings to all,so when you are in the second pose is that you are receiving the blessings of the
Every time we open up the body, we receive the energy Every time we fold the body, we are honoring that energy that is keeping us alive,we give like a salutation. On the mental level we know we’re synchronizing ,our system our body to the whole universe and every time we open up, we receive the energy from the sun, every time we fall we pay respect we honor the sun
Karina老師課程活動(點linktr.ee👆加入Line官方帳號可獲取資訊): 1.𝕭𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫 梵唱會 ✨ 在台東 ✨/2023. 1. 7 (六) & 8 (日) 2.尼古瑪瑜珈師培 3.Union of Sun and Moon RYT200 Taichung 日月合一 瑜伽師資培訓 RYT200小時 – 台中場
影片提供(Video provide): 喜悅種子瑜珈協會 Seeds of Joy Yoga Association 場地提供:北投久號|財團法人永壽文教基金會 協辦: Co-organizer : 慈悲種子瑜珈 Karuna Seeds Yoga 特別感謝: Special thanks to: easyoga